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Work Environment

Chengxin Team

Talent Concept

Talent Concept:
Chengxin Universal has always been adhering to the concept of people oriented, respecting talents, cultivating talents, equal stress on integrity and ability and letting everyone fully display his talents. The employment ideality of the firm is employment mechanism of competiveness and extensive development platform. In Chengxin, we work together to spare no pains in improving human life and natural environment, creating sustaining social benefit with everlasting enthusiasm and outstanding professional competence.
Outstanding talents achieve first-class enterprise, whereas first-class enterprise brings up outstanding talents. Let’s develop ourselves and enjoy success together.
Code of Conduct:
The company persists in advocating setting up the enterprise culture of harmonious development as well as the team concept and code of conduct of “devotion to work, harmony and efficiency.

Work Concept:
Innovation: It is to learn all the good achievements which are beneficial for the firm and individual development, advance with the times and continuously make innovation in one’s own work.
Team: Sticking to one common goal, it is to work with the endeavor spirit of teamwork and sharing joys and sorrows, pooling the wisdom and efforts of everyone.
Responsibility: It is to be professional, dedicated oneself to work and work in peace and contentment. Maintaining and spreading positive energy, it is to be responsible for the company and customers.

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